Deutsche Soldaten Wiki

"We don't make war on wounded men. We are not all like Hauptmann Sessler."

Oberleutnant Muesel was a German officer stationed on Navarone during World War II. He and his men captured Keith Mallory's team when they came into the town of Mandrakos to find a doctor for the injured Roy Franklin.

A fair-minded and compassionate officer, Muesel tried to persuade the group to tell him what he wanted to know so they could forgo being tortured by the cruel Hauptsturmführer Sessler, and when Sessler arrived, Muesel angrily objected to the SS hauptsturmführer's brutal methods, in particular his attempt to torture Franklin. However, Sessler forced him to back down.

When Andrea Stavros feigned being sick and got the drop on the Nazi guards, Muesel went for his sidearm but was held at gunpoint by Mallory and forced to surrender. He was stripped to his underwear and tied up. His uniform was appropriated by Mallory. When Mallory demanded the location of the camp radio, Muesel refused, despite Mallory's threat to kill him, telling him he knew he wouldn't kill him over something so trivial. Mallory wordlessly agreed, and left Muesel tied to his chair after making him promise to take care of Franklin.


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